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Open House: Peter Bangs Vej

Date and time

Tuesday 20. August 2024 at 13:00 to 15:00

Registration Deadline

Tuesday 13. August 2024 at 23:55


Peter Bangs Vej, Peter Bangs Vej 36, 2000 Frederiksberg Peter Bangs Vej
Peter Bangs Vej 36
2000 Frederiksberg

Open House: Peter Bangs Vej

Event Description

(English below)

Kom til Åbent Hus og se CBS' nye bygning fordelt på fem etager med 5 undervisningslokaler, 18 grupperum og en ny type facilitet til f.eks. studiecafé og arrangementer.

Vi starter med en kort introduktion kl. 13, og tilmelding ønskes, da Campus Services byder på en forfriskning.

Vi ses til åbent hus!


Dear all,

Stop by our Open House event and see CBS’ new teaching building spread across five floors with 5 classrooms, 18 group rooms, and a new type of facility for study cafés and events.

The event will begin with a short introduction at 1pm, and registration is required, as Campus Services will provide a refreshment.

See you at the Open House!

Event Location

Click to view the event location on Google Maps >

Organizer Contact Information

Campus Services
Phone: +45 38152766

Organizer Contact Information

Campus Services
Phone: +45 38152766