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Online Seminar @bout time with Andrew Hoffman

Date and time

Tuesday 29. October 2024 at 13:00 to 14:30

Registration Deadline

Tuesday 29. October 2024 at 09:00


Online Online

Online Seminar @bout time with Andrew Hoffman

Event Description



The Centre for Organization and Time (COT, IOA) invites to an online seminar @bout time on:

Business Education as if People and the Planet Mattered:
Rejuvenating the Intellectual and Moral Training of Future Business Leaders

With Andrew Hoffman, Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, Ross School of Business/School for Environment & Sustainability University of Michigan

Today’s business schools were designed for a world that no longer exists. Capitalism, the system that has raised the standard of living for billions of people over the past 150 years, is facing systemic challenges that it is both causing and unable to address; most notably climate change and inequality. These are systemic failures that represent, not “externalities” but the outcomes of the way our present variant of shareholder capitalism is designed. And yet, business schools continue to teach ideas that are making these problems worse: elevating the primacy of shareholder profits above the interests of employees, the environment or broader society; viewing government more as an intrusion on the free market than an arbiter of its proper functioning, and; promoting unlimited economic growth despite the devastating environmental and social consequences. Business schools cannot simply drop an elective into their curriculum to address these challenges but rethink their foundations. This talk will explore ways in which we can and should rejuvenate the intellectual and moral training of future business leaders.

Brief Biography

Andrew J. Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor at the University of Michigan, a position that holds joint appointments in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business and the School for Environment and Sustainability. For the 2023-2024 academic year, he was a visiting climate fellow at the Institute for Business in Global Society at the Harvard Business School. He researches, writes, and teaches about the processes by which environmental and social issues both emerge and evolve as social, political, and managerial considerations. He has published over one hundred articles and book chapters, as well as eighteen books, which have been translated into six languages. For more information go to:



Time and Date 
October 29th, 2024,










Organizer Contact Information

Copenhagen Business School
Phone: +45 3815 3815

Organizer Contact Information

Copenhagen Business School
Phone: +45 3815 3815