Monday 8. March 2021 at 13:00 to 15:00
Monday 8. March 2021 at 12:55
Webinar (Zoom) Webinar (Zoom)
2020 was not only the year of Covid-19, it was also the year when the #MeToo wave finally reached Denmark, and more particularly Danish workplaces. The movement started in the media and entertainment industries and quickly spread to other sectors, including Academia. A group of organizers across higher education started a petition that received about 700 signatures and even more personal stories by the time of publication in Politiken and continued to receive support after that. This great achievement is only getting things started; now comes the time to take action, or rather, to make everybody take action and commit to change.
For International Women’s Day 2021 we thus decided to focus on Sexism in Academia to take stock of the movement and its outcomes, in particular a forthcoming handbook to open the conversation at your workplace. There will also be an opportunity to engage with the handbook contents and approach in break out groups. We will also expand our gaze to international experiences with guests from Germany and presenting an American documentary about women scientists. You will even receive a link to watch the full documentary after the event! We will round this up with a panel debate featuring some key actors in the danish #MeToo movement in Academia to see what we have learned and what the road ahead can be.
The event will of course be online given the circumstances, although we hope to welcome you soon at CBS again. The event is free but requires a sign up.
Thank you and we hope to see you on March 8th, 13-15
Sara and Florence for the CBS Diversity and Difference Platform
Tentative program:
13.00 – 13.10 Welcome by Associate professor Florence Villesèche and Professor MSO and initiator of SexismEDU Sara Louise Muhr, with an introductory statement by CBS Deputy president Inger Askehave.
13.10 – 13.45 Sexism in Danish Academia: Introducing the new handbook on sexism in Danish Academia by Sara Louise Muhr and Research assistant Anna Franciska Einersen, followed by a short conversation with CBS Deputy president Inger Askehave.
13.45 – 14.00 German voices: Testimonies from German Academia by Dr. phil Lena Eckert, assistant professor at Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg; Marlene Hartmann, M.A., doctoral candidate and research associate at TU Chemnitz; Clara Wieghorst, M.A., doctoral candidate and research associate at Leuphana University Lüneburg; Lea Zierott, M.A., doctoral candidate and research associate at University of Hamburg
14.00 – 14.05 Trailer screening of the documentary ‘Picture A Scientist’
14.05– 14.55 Gendered stereotypes and sexism: A panel debate moderated by Associate professor at CBS and initiator of SexismEDU Ana Maria Munar, followed by a Q&A.
14.55 – 15.00 Questions and wrap up by Florence Villesèche and Sara Louise Muhr