Monday 7. February 2022 at 12:00 to 13:30
Saturday 5. February 2022 at 12:00
Zoom online,
Solbjerg Plads 3,
2000 Frederiksberg
Zoom online
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg
Seminar 1 – Inside the EU Code of Conduct Group: 20 Years of Tackling Harmful Tax Competition by Martijn Nouwen
Convener: Yvette Lind, Assistant professor in tax law at Copenhagen Business School
Martijn Nouwen’s dissertation analyzed the functioning and effectiveness of the diplomatic EU Code of Conduct Group in the fight against tax avoidance by multinational companies and against the facilitation thereof by harmful tax competition between Member States. Its uniqueness lies in its empirical approach, by evaluating how the Group has operated in practice – from both a governance and output/result perspective – by analyzing more than 2,500 internal EU-documents obtained through FOI-requests. His dissertation concludes that the Group has achieved impressive results in tackling harmful tax practices, but also that many forms of unfair tax competition have not been adequately addressed. It contains recommendations for improvement. Nouwen shared his findings with members of national Parliaments and the European Parliament. Several media reported about his PhD-research (e.g., Der Spiegel, InfoLibre, Mediapart, Expresso, Dagens Nyheter, NRC, Het Financieele Dagblad, NOS-Journal and Zembla). This political and societal attention encouraged policymakers to reform the Group.
For more information and access to an excerpt of the book (click here)
Martijn Nouwen is an Assistant Professor in Tax Law at Leiden Law School. His research and teaching focusses on international and EU tax law, with an emphasis on tax competition between countries, which is a major cause of unfairness in taxation of multinational companies. He obtained an LLM in both Dutch Tax Law and European and International Tax Law at the UvA. Before that, he graduated in Economics. In 2010, his master thesis was awarded the thesis prize of the Academy of Legislation (Ministry of Justice), as well as the thesis prize of the Dutch Tax Bar Association. In 2012, he started his academic career as a (part-time) PhD-researcher at the UvA, which he combined with working for an international tax law firm until 2020. In 2020, he obtained his PhD for his dissertation ‘Inside the EU Code of Conduct Group: 20 Years of tackling harmful tax competition’.
CBS discussant
Rasmus Corlin Christensen is a postdoctoral researcher in international political economy at the Department of Organisation, Copenhagen Business School. His research focuses on international taxation, expertise and professions. He has been recognised as one of the most influential individuals in the tax world in the International Tax Review’s “Global Tax 50”. He can be found on twitter at @phdskat.
External discussant
Werner Haslehner is Professor of Tax Law at the University of Luxembourg, where he holds the ATOZ Chair for European and International Taxation and is the Director of the LL.M. Programme in EU and International Tax Law. Before coming to Luxembourg in 2013, he held full-time academic positions at Johannes-Kepler-University Linz and the London School of Economics. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne in 2018, the University of Turin in 2019, and a Global Research Fellow at NYU School of Law in 2020. He sits on the Academic Committee of the EATLP, the ECJ Task Force of CFE Tax Advisers Europe, and the Scientific Committee of the Luxembourg IFA branch. His research interests cover all aspects of international taxation, EU law, and tax policy.
Feel free to contact organizer Yvette Lind at yl.law@cbs.dk