The Centre for Organization and Time (COT, IOA) invites to an @bout time seminar on:
Anticipation and Organizing: Seeing, knowing and governing futures
With professor mso Mikkel Flyverbom MSC, CBS

Anticipation is part of organizational attempts to manage their future affairs and shape their surroundings. Still, the ways in which organizations engage in anticipation have not been sufficiently conceptualized in the field of organization and management studies. The article I’ll talk about conceptualizes organizational ways of shaping and orchestrating futures by engaging insights from Foucauldian scholarship that highlight the intersection between what we can see, know and govern. We highlight the importance of processes of knowledge production in governance efforts, and articulate how anticipatory governance is crafted through intricate combinations of resources such as narratives, numbers and digital traces. The main contribution is a conceptual typology outlining four different templates for anticipatory governance in organizational settings that we term ‘indicative snapshots’, ‘prognostic correlations’, ‘projected transformations’ and ‘phantasmagoric fictions’. We posit anticipatory governance as a knowledge-based, performative phenomenon that addresses potential and desirable futures in and between organizations. Such anticipatory activities gauge and guide organizational processes and modes of thinking and acting along different temporal orientations, and have governance effects that makes anticipation performative by its very nature. This understanding of anticipatory governance, we suggest, offers both conceptual contributions and empirical avenues for research in organization and management studies.
Brief Biography
Mikkel Flyverbom is professor mso of Communication and Digital Transformations at Copenhagen Business School. His work on digital technology, transparency, governance and the politics of datafication has been published in, for example, Business & Society, The Information Society, Organization Studies and Big Data & Society, as well as a number of books. His newest book is The Digital Prism: Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World (Cambridge University Press). He also serves on the Danish government’s Data Ethics Council and writes a tech column for the newspaper Politiken.
Time and Date March 16th 2022 14.00 - 16.00
Location Copenhagen Business School, Kilevej 14 A, 2000 Frederiksberg
Room: K143
We are working on a hybrid concept for this event. If you would like to join online, please send a mail to
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Centre for Organziation & Time