Tuesday 24. May 2022 at 14:15 to 15:15
Sunday 22. May 2022 at 00:10
Porcelænshaven 18B,
Porcelænshaven 18B, 1.154,
2000 Frederiksberg
Porcelænshaven 18B
Porcelænshaven 18B, 1.154
2000 Frederiksberg
https://cbs-dk.zoom.us/j/64758340588 (Passcode: 429924)
This seminar is the third out of four seminars in the MPP and CBS Law seminar series on Law, Economics and Philosophy Spring 2022.
Title: Individual bias, systemic bias, and feminist jurisprudence – examining two examples in the Danish context
Presenter: Associate Professor Florence Villeseche, MPP, CBS
Date: 24 May 2022
Time: 2 pm – 3 pm (CEST)
Place: PHRs20.(Råvarebygningen), Porcelænshaven 18B, 1.154, 2000 Frederiksberg
If you wish to participate online, there is no need to sign up, you can just follow the link for online participation here.
MPP and CBS Law seminar series on Law, Economics and Philosophy Spring 2022. The seminar series is jointly organized by Professor Henrik Lando, CBS Law/MPP, Professor WSR Morten Sørensen Thanning, MPP, and External Lecturer Johan Gersel, MPP.
Click to view the event location on Google Maps >