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2nd SustainED Conference - Power to the Pipeline?!

Date and time

Friday 8. September 2023 at 08:30 to 16:00

Registration Deadline

Wednesday 6. September 2023 at 23:55


Flintholm Auditorium C1, Stig Lommers Plads 2, 2000 Frederiksberg Flintholm Auditorium C1
Stig Lommers Plads 2
2000 Frederiksberg

2nd SustainED Conference - Power to the Pipeline?!

Event Description

  • How much hydrogen do we really need to decarbonize?
  • What are no-regret options for hydrogen infrastructure?
  • What regulation ensures that hydrogen reduces emissions?


To discuss this with experts from research, policymaking, and the energy industry join us at the 2nd Sustainable Energy Day


 “Hydrogen Infrastructure & Regulation:
Power to the Pipeline?!”


organized by the Danish energy research network ENERforsk* and Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI) – free of charge and open-for-all.


Speakers from

  • Technical University Berlin (TUB),
  • European Hydrogen Backbone,
  • Florence School of Regulation (FSR),
  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
  • ACER,
  • Bellona,
  • and the European Commission

will share their experiences and visions.


Please register for the event using this website.
You can find the full program here:

We look forward to an inspiring event with you!


SustainED is a platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to connect and discuss. Coffee, tea, snacks, and lunch will be provided. All food served will be vegetarian.
(*) ENERforsk is a network to connect energy researchers in Denmark (and neighboring countries). ENERforsk is supported by Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure, DTU Management – Energy Economics and System Analysis, and DTU Wind – Society, Market and Policy and receives funding from Copenhagen Business School.

Event Location

Click to view the event location on Google Maps >

Organizer Contact Information

ENERforsk Research Network
Phone: +45 38152457

Organizer Contact Information

ENERforsk Research Network
Phone: +45 38152457