Thursday 1. February 2024 at 16:00 to 18:30
Thursday 1. February 2024 at 16:00
Ovnhallen/Kiln Hall,
Porcelænshaven 24A,
2000 Frederiksberg
Ovnhallen/Kiln Hall
Porcelænshaven 24A
2000 Frederiksberg
Please join us in celebrating the launch of 4 new books:
Leading through Bias
Den inkluderende leder
Hvordan bekæmper vi hverdagsdiskrimination?
Sexisme på arbejdet: Genkend, forebyg og håndtér
February 1st 2024, from 4:00-6:30 PM
Kiln Hall (Ovnhallen)
Porcelænshaven 24A,
Copenhagen Business School,
2000 Frederiksberg
16.00-16.10: Welcome by Professor, CBS, Sara Louise Muhr
16.10-16.40: Panel 1: What is Everyday Discrimination and How Do We Fight it at Work?
Panelists: Emma Holten, Feminist Activist and Gender Policy Consultant; Fahad Saeed, Diversity Manager, Mungo Park and founder of Sabaah, Gine Kampmann, CEO, Equalis & Muneeza Rosendahl, CEO, The Association Equal Access.
Moderator: Associate Professor, AU, Mie Plotnikof
16.40-17.10: Panel 2: What is Bias and How Do We Lead Through Bias?
Panelists: Alero Akuya, VP of Global Brand, The Lego Group; Mette Kaagaard, CEO, Microsoft Denmark & Iceland, Marcus Schindler, EVP, Novo Nordisk; Sumit Sudan, Partner, Deloitte
Moderator: Associate Professor, CBS, Poornima Luthra
17.10-17.55: Workshop: The authors of the books offer various parallel workshops, where you can try out the tools and methods from all the books
17.55 – 18.30: Reception: Snacks, drinks and book sale
Click to view the event location on Google Maps >
Copenhagen Business School
Phone: +45 3815 3815
Copenhagen Business School
Phone: +45 3815 3815