Tuesday 8. March 2022 at 14:00 to 18:00
Tuesday 8. March 2022 at 14:00
CBS Ovnhallen,
Porcelænshaven 20,
2000 Frederiksberg
CBS Ovnhallen
Porcelænshaven 20
2000 Frederiksberg
Join us for International Women’s Day 2022 at Copenhagen Business School – with the CBS Diversity & Difference Platform hosting a debate on how unconscious biases affect processes in organizations. We invite you for an afternoon with local and international researchers and a panel of organizational actors from the public and private sector. We are looking forward to bringing research and practice closer on this occasion.
As a topic of organizational research, unconscious bias has received increased attention in recent years. And with good reason: finding ways of working around bias can help diversify organizational talent, supports innovation and creativity, and improves the work climate. This is what is shown in the six articles published in December 2021 in the journal Kvinder, Køn & Forskning / Women, Gender & Research. Authors of four of the six articles will present the practical implications of their research, which will afterwards be discussed by a panel of practitioners who engage with tackling bias in their organizations.
Following the seminar, the Diversity and Difference Platform will host a reception where sparkling drinks will be accompanied by DJ Aviaja’s bubbly notes!
Program: (CET)
14.00-14.10: Welcome: Inger Askehave, Acting President, CBS; Florence Villesèche, Associate Professor & Academic Director of the CBS Platform for Diversity and Difference
14.10-14.30: Introduction to bias and the special issue: Sara Louise Muhr, Professor (mso) & Academic Director of the CBS Platform for Diversity and Difference
14.30-14.40: Gender bias in recruiting: Dr. Verena Witzig, Diversity & Inclusion consultant, University of St. Gallen
14:40-14.50: Bias in language: Anna Franciska Einersen, Research Assistant, CBS & Florence Villesèche, Associate Professor, CBS
14.50-15.20: Response from practitioners and panel discussion: Hardip Sohi-Bains, Vice President, Novo Nordisk; Lea Lønsted, Pay Equity Leader, Mercer; Trine Ahrenkiel, HR, Kommunikations- & Marketingdirector, Nykredit; Inger Askehave, Acting President, CBS; Lea Katharina Reiss, SI editor, WU Wien (moderated by Dr. Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen, Mannaz)
15.20-15.35: Break
15.35-15.45: Bias and leadership aspirations: Florence Villesèche, Associate Professor, CBS & Minna Paunova, Associate Professor, CBS
15.45-15.55: From individual to organizational bias: Bontu Lucie Guschke, PhD Fellow, CBS & Jannick Friis Christensen, Assistant Professor, CBS
15.55-16.25: Response from practitioners and panel discussion: Hardip Sohi-Bains, Vice President, Novo Nordisk; Lea Lønsted, Pay Equity Leader, Mercer; Trine Ahrenkiel, HR, Kommunikations- & Marketingdirector, Nykredit; Inger Askehave, Acting President, CBS; Maria Clar, SI Editor, WU Wien (moderated by Dr. Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen, Mannaz)
16.25-16.30: Thank you and closing words: Kai Storm, SI Editor and Assistant Professor, CBS.
16.30- 17:30: Reception, entertainment by DJ Aviaja
The special issue is freely accessible here: https://tidsskrift.dk/KKF/article/view/129751
Possibility of attending online via Zoom (please choose this option when signing up)
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