Wednesday 20. March 2024 at 15:00 to 18:00
Wednesday 20. March 2024 at 12:00
Råvarebygningen, PHRs20,
Porcelænshaven 22,
2000 Frederiksberg
Råvarebygningen, PHRs20
Porcelænshaven 22
2000 Frederiksberg
Nordic Finance and the Good Society presents
What is the true cost of regulation – time for re-regulation?
In this event, we will focus on the link between financial regulation and the development of the Nordic financial sector. As also highlighted in our recent report from Nordic Finance and the Good Society, the regulatory framework is simply to a large degree deciding the strategic outlook of the sector and has wide impact and cost implications for all stakeholders. The Nordic countries have in most cases applied EU legislation without having a clear voice in a European debate. Furthermore, this event will also investigate if re-regulation is the way forward in a sector driven by new technologies, shifting demands and market disruption.
Preliminary program
Wednesday 20th March 2024, at 15-18
CBS, Porcelænshaven 22, room: PHRs20, 2000 Frederiksberg
15.00-15.10 Welcome & introduction, Lars Ohnemus, Director CCG, CBS
15.10-15.30 ESFS cooperation – from the perspective of the Danish FSA & the Danish FSA supervisory activity – Strategy and framework, Nina Legind, President of the Governing Board, Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
15.30-15.50 The regulatory development of CEO pays in the Nordics, Prof. Trond Randøy, CBS, and Prof. Øystein Strøm, Oslo Metropolitan University
15.50-16:00 Coffee break
16.00-16.20 The historic development of regulation and the financial market in the Nordics, Prof. Lars Oxelheim, University of Agder, Norway
16.20-16.40 50 years of European Banking Regulation and Supervision, Dr. Giovanni Bassani, University of Edinburgh and European Central Bank
16.40-17.00 Panel discussion17.00 Reception with light refreshments
Participation in this event is free, but registration is required due to catering purposes. Please be aware to cancel your registration, if you're unable to attend. Thank you!
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Copenhagen Business School
Phone: +45 3815 3815
Copenhagen Business School
Phone: +45 3815 3815